AR for eCommerce
The lines between in-shop and online shopping experiences are becoming increasingly blurred as more brands experiment with augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) to create innovative customer experiences. In recent years, AR /VR technology has been touted as “the next big thing’, but adoption has been a little slower than initially expected (Telus International, 2021).
Augmented reality (AR) is a technology that enhances our physical environment with virtual information. In other words, AR enables the addition of virtual elements – such as videos, 3D models, animations, links, etc. – into the real world. In this way, we can change our perception of the real world (viz-obl, 2019).
AR experiences can change the way online customers perceive the products they intend to buy. By using AR, customers can better understand their needs and determine whether the products they intend to buy meet their requirements. Some online sales brands have already started experimenting with AR, which will help them stand out from the competition (Luka Žvar, 2020).
Increasingly online purchases are being made via mobile phones. Retailers will have to work hard to ensure that consumers have the same shopping experience regardless of which device they use to access their online shop. This means that a lot of attention will have to be paid to multi-channel selling.
Artificial intelligence and augmented reality will play an increasingly key role in online sales, replacing the in-shop salesperson and reducing the number of product returns (FinancePro, 2020).
Augmented reality (“AR”) is revolutionising online shopping. This technology allows consumers to see the product they want to buy in full detail, making it easier for them to make a purchase decision. It is particularly welcome in fashion shops and shops selling furniture and other home accessories. More people would probably choose to shop online if they had the opportunity to try on a particular item of clothing, and that is exactly what augmented reality enables us to do (Siol1net, 2021).
In March 2019, Technology Park Ljubljana hosted the first Slovenian Look Around 360 conferences dedicated to virtual and augmented reality technologies and opened a laboratory for all lovers of future technologies. Technology Park Ljubljana aims to be the centre for young enthusiasts and develop breakthrough ideas with the help of various experts and mentors (Tehnološki park Ljubljana d.o.o., 2019). AR for eCommerce is still in its infancy in Slovenia. AR is only used by larger international companies. For the time being, AR is used in Slovenia for production optimisation and tourism.
There has been some progress in the pharmaceutical sector. What was science fiction yesterday is now standard equipment at pharmaceutical giant Novartis. Novartis in Slovenia has developed its own mixed reality platform in 2021 to provide holographic coverage of their laboratories and production facilities. The platform, an entry point into the world of mixed reality that offers simple solutions to very complex problems, was developed by Novartis in Slovenia and will be available worldwide (Dragica Bošnjak, 2021).
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BE-terna. (2022). When business meets Mixed Reality. BE-terna.
Bošnjak, D. (2021). Z mešano resničnostjo nad kompleksne izzive farmacije.!
FinancePro. (2020). (Brezplačna priloga Spletno poslovanje) Kako bo videti spletno nakupovanje leta 2021. FinancePro.
Porsche Slovenija. (2022). Četrta dimenzija videnja. Obogatena in navidezna resničnost. Porsche Slovenija.
Siol1net. (2021). Top 10 digitalnih trendov prihodnosti. Siol1net.
Tehnološki park Ljubljana. (2019). Sporočilo za javnost: Konferenca in laboratorij VR-AR tehnologij. Tehnološki park Ljubljana.
Telus International. (2021). How extended reality is redefining the eCommerce experience. Telus International.
Tipteh. (2022). Augmented Reality. Tipteh.
Žvar, L. (2020). 10 trendov spletne prodaje na katere morate biti pozorni v 2021. Positiva rešitve.