eTax (eDavki) portal
eDavki portal of Slovenia is active from 2003. eDavki use is free. eDavki portal enables convenient, easy and secure completion and submission of tax forms from the user’s computer at home or in the office.
The eDavki portal is the IT system of the Financial Administration of the Republic of Slovenia used in electronic transactions with the Financial Administration. It ensures the convenient, easy, and safe transmission of tax forms and receipt of documents served by the Financial Administration (eVročanje). The use of the portal (submission of forms and receipt of documents) is obligatory for all business entities. The legal representative of business entities (sole traders and legal entities) access to eDavki portal into the profile of business entities with a qualified digital certificate for employees, with a qualified digital certificate for a natural person, with a user account of a natural person or eDavki mobile application. An employee of business entity or an external provider access to eDavki portal into the profile of business entity only with a qualified digital certificate (under condition that such person has appropriate EDP rights granted) (Financial administration of the Republic of Slovenia, 2021).
eDavki is a safe web service that fully substitutes for the relevant paperwork. It offers several important advantages over processing of hard-copy tax forms:
- faster and easier completion of tax forms (with integrated help menus and tools for online checking),
- possibility of document filing 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, without mailing costs and irrespective of geographic location,
- access to tax card,
- data transfer directly from accounting system into eDavki through web services,
- easy authorization between users and other taxable persons,
- transfer of the extent of rights on the basis of eDavki operations through authorization (see authorisation in eTax).
In addition to other tax forms, through eDavki persons may submit their tax information returns for income tax assessment, and legal entities their VAT forms (e.g., VAT-O) and VIES. Users are also provided with the electronic services of e-commerce taxpayer registration and the exchange of their information with tax administrations of other EU Member States, as well as the verification of tax numbers of taxpayers from the EU (Financial administration of the RS, 2003–2022).
Access to the eDavki portal with a qualified digital certificate
Any taxable person can become an eDavki user. The application requires a computer with suitable software and Internet access.
If taxable persons use qualified digital certificates, they may file applications and receive documents via eDavki portal. edavki Appropriate equipment and an appropriate digital certificate are required. The procedure for obtaining a qualified digital certificate can be found on the eDavki eDavki portal. You may choose from among four qualified digital certificates (SIGEN-CA, POŠTA®CA, AC-NLB, and HALCOM CA) (Financial administration of the Republic of Slovenia, 2021).
Financial administration of the Republic of Slovenia. (2021). eDavki – electronic tax management system. Financial administration of the Republic of Slovenia.
Financial administration of the RS. (2003-2022). PRESENTATION. eTax portal. Financial administration of the RS.
Ministrstvo za javno upravo. (2021). Predstavitev portala SPOT. [Video]. YouTube.