Last year, the shopping behaviour of most consumers was focused on the internet, as according to Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia. In the first quarter of 2021 as many as 59% of consumers aged 16 to 74 shopped online and were thereby leading to increasing normalization of online shopping. But what has kept consumers online and what can we expect in the coming years? It seems that consumers are turning to online shopping not only out of necessity and convenience, but also or perhaps because of the safe environment in the face of the pandemic (Polanec, 2022).
The recent Shopper’s Mind 2021 study, conducted by a consortium of partners Valicon, iPROM and, shows that the growth trend in online shopping continues. In Slovenia, online shopping is becoming more frequent and more intensive. Most purchases are recorded in the categories of fashion, electronics, home and garden, and the average value of the purchase is almost 100 euros. 73% of Slovenians make four online purchases per year, with just under half of those who shop regularly using a smartphone and debit cards most often. The age structure of online customers has not changed in the last three years (2019-2021). Representatives of Generation X (44%) and Z (33%) are among the most numerous online customers.
A comparison of purchases between domestic and foreign online shops shows that the vast majority of customers shop in domestic shops (84%, the average purchase value is 102 euros), while 16% of online purchases are made in foreign online shops (the average purchase value is 56 euros).
Among the most frequently used means of payment in the last three years, cards of all kinds predominate in 2021 (55%), followed by cash (29%) and payment by proforma invoice (13%). A comparison between generations shows that generations Z, Y and X are more likely to prefer card payments than the baby boomer generation, but these differences have narrowed slightly over the past two years.
In the last two years, online shoppers have most frequently made purchases via smartphones (with the help of which as many as 55% of purchases were made in 2021). Computers (laptops and desktops) are still important – 38% of online shoppers make their purchases via laptops and 32% via desktops. A good third of online purchases are completed by consumers via mobile phones (38%), just under a third via laptops (31%) and a good quarter (26%) via desktop computers (Guest author, 2021).
Guest author. (2021). Nova raziskava Shopper’s Mind 2021: Spletni kupci v Sloveniji nakupujejo vse pogosteje. Shopper’s Mind.
PJU. (2022). Kako s pomočjo influencer marketinga povečati prodajo? INFLUENCER MARKETING V PRAKSI: STUDY CASE KAMPANJE ZA BREZŽIČNE SLUŠALKE 2019. PJU.
Polanec, M. (2022). Slovenci so v 2021 na spletu najraje kupovali mobilne telefone in pnevmatike. Shopper’s Mind.