Social selling will certainly develop at a very fast pace in the coming years. This is undoubtedly a new trend that has accelerated, among others, as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. The majority, as many as 86% of buyers, are satisfied with the transactions made so far, and more than half of them declare that they will repeat purchases in this form in the near future.
According to the report: “The power of social & live commerce report”, carried out in 2021 by the Foundation of e-business women, it was shown that 27% of Poles make purchases via social media. Every fourth Pole made a purchase in the process live broadcasts in social media, including 10% often shop like this. It is estimated that 18% of Poles sell on social media.
It follows that it is worth considering this method of sale when thinking about entering the Polish market, targeting Polish consumers.
Who buys and sells on social media the most? Mainly young women up to 34 years of age from smaller towns and villages. Therefore, messages and products should primarily be addressed to them.
Where do transactions most often take place? Through Facebook.
What do Poles most often buy via social media? The most popular industries thanks to which social commerce in Poland is growing in strength are: clothing and footwear (which 45% of Poles bought through social media, and 41% have experience with selling this assortment in this channel), books, CDs and films (respectively: 27% and 23%), cosmetics / perfumes (27% and 18%) and children’s goods and toys (24% and 17%).
And what discourages you from buying or selling via social media? Shopping habits related to the choice of stationary stores, the possibility of touching or seeing a given product live. An important deterrent is the concern about the security and quality of transactions (fraud, problems with complaints, etc.).
Why do Poles decide to shop through social media? Because they consider this solution to be simple, quick and convenient, personalized (well-suited to current needs), and in addition, allowing you to choose a favourable price, thus affecting savings.
Purchases made during the so-called Live broadcasts attract Polish customers more and more often, attracting interest in terms of form and price, but most of all they engage emotionally. It is a form of shopping liked by consumers (42%) and simply addictive (according to 39%). Therefore, it is good to consider introducing this type of product or service presentation.
How do Poles like to buy? Preferably on social media by contacting the seller directly or by clicking on links redirecting to sales platforms and e-shops. That is why it is worth carrying out activities in accordance with the principles of systematic and reliable communication via instant messaging, as well as ensuring the quality of the page to which the redirection from social media will lead.
How often do Poles buy? We have been buying for at least 2-3 years (39%), at least once a month (47%), mainly by smartphone. Therefore, one should remember about appropriate responsiveness and matching of messages to smartphones in terms of technology and frequency, expecting that regular customers will buy from us once a month.
How much is a standard Pole able to spend on a one-off transaction concluded via social media? On average, such purchases are spent between PLN 50 and PLN 200 (41%). It is an important hint when pricing individual products and services.
Attention! Poles most willingly and most often pay with BLIK in such transactions, it is necessary to remember about it, or to profitable sales to Polish customers. Without the possibility of using the BLIK payment option, it is very likely that a potential customer will change his mind, believing that a standard transfer takes too much time.
You should also remember about the form of shipping. Many Poles prefer to ship to parcel machines, at an affordable price around PLN 8 or cheaper. Too demanding commitment to collection or an expensive shipment may turn out to be a “deterrent” and discourage a potential customer from purchasing.
A few words about sales in the style of social selling in Poland from Polish sellers.
Why is it worth considering this form of sale in Poland? Because it is cheap and easy for the seller, and in addition it allows you to better reach the target group.
How is it sold most often? For example, by inserting photos of products / services with a description or a post informative. Polish sellers willingly use Facebook Marketplace, Instagram Shop and external advertising and auction portals.
How to most effectively reach potential customers? The most frequently used for this are promoted posts and word of mouth marketing, i.e., a system of recommendations and recommendations from friends.
What kind of sales effect can you expect? On average, up to 10 transactions / month are carried out, so income from sales via social media is a more additional source income than a way to earn regular earnings – the most common average monthly income from sales via social media is no more than PLN 1,000 (31%). However, taking into account how this form of sales is developing and the fact that the sales technique itself is easy and fast and reaches potential customers, it is worth using it.
The key challenge is strong competition, and therefore effective promotion of the store / seller in order to better reach the customer.
The most popular social networking site through which Poles make purchases or sales is Facebook. Slightly over 80% of people who buy or sell via social commerce use this website for these purposes. Competitive portals are far behind, although they also have their supporters. Apart from Facebook, social commerce is also visible on Instagram and YouTube. Poles spontaneously include social networking sites such as Vinted, OLX or Allegro. Few Poles, however, make purchases on TikTok, Snapchat or Pinterest (about 7%, and 82% from Facebook).
What to remember when designing a promotional strategy in social media in Poland?
Social media is an integral part of the life of many Poles, which certainly favors the development of social selling in this country. As many as 71% of respondents have been using social networking sites for at least 5 years, using them practically around the clock – from early morning to late evening hours. This shows that social media has settled in for good in our lives, filling every “slower” moment of the day.
Social networking sites are most often visited in the evening – between 6.00 p.m. and 10.00 p.m. – every second respondent (53%) most often uses social media during these hours, which may show that they are treated as “entertainment” / relaxation after the whole day, as well as checking what is happening with our friends or people we follow.
The above conclusions quite well illustrate how strong the potential of social commerce can be and how effective this sales channel can turn out to be – since we have been using social networking sites continuously for several years, all day long, it is a chance / temptation to make fast, adapted to our needs and shopping preferences, which are done “while browsing” the portal, is quite high.
Social Media w Polsce 2021 – raport, https://empemedia.pl/social-media-w-polsce-2021-nowy-raport/
Social Media jako platforma e-commerce. Nowy raport the power of social & live commerce. https://www.kobietyebiznesu.pl/social-media-jako-platforma-e-commerce-nowy-raport-the-power-of-social-live-commerce/
The power of social & live commerce https://www.przelewy24.pl/dla-mediow/social-media-jako-platforma-e-commerce-raport-power-social-live-commerce